Free Phone Sex

Free Phone Sex

Do you want Free Phone Sex?

Looking for Free Phone Sex? Who isn’t! Free is always the best right? Times are tough I get it. I get asked all the time if we offer any free trials.  You might not have a lot of money I get it.

But you might have alot of time right? Want to put that time of yours to good work? Help me out? By doing so I will totally give you a reward! Your Time is valuable and your effort counts!

Is  Free Phone Sex totally free?

Everyone Asks me is Free Phone Sex totally free? Money wise absolutely. There is  Time and effort  involved to qualify though.  Just because your bank account is a little empty doesn’t mean we can’t play.

If you have time and skills you can put to work for me we can totally work something out. Why not take advantage of all that internet your already paying for? Your already online and on twitter. Why not take a few minutes a day to help me out. While helping yourself out in the process.


Here is what you have to do to get Free Phone Sex!

There are 3 ways to get Free Phone Sex.  Take advantage of my new customer deal as a new caller. Voting for me using my red/blue psc button.  As well as following me and promoting me on twitter. All rules for participation to all three offers will be in this blog.

You are welcome to participate in all three offers. The new Customer deal is only given once. However you can enter my voting contest and twitter promotion effort as much as you like. There is no limit to how many times you can enter my Voting contest and Twitter promotion.

Ready for Free Phone Sex?

So…Are you ready to be my biggest fan? I love a man (or woman) who spoils me rotten. Not just with money but also attention. Ready to help a girl out? Why not put all that time you have to good use.

Somethings are way better than money. Voting and twitter promoting me is free advertising. Advertising is hella expensive for me. So if you scratch my back I’ll definitely scratch yours. Lets make this Free Phone Sex fun and mutually beneficially for both of us!


New Customer Free Phone Sex Deal

There are a few ways to get Free Phone Sex. #1 As a new customer you automatically get five minutes free with a paid call of 10 minutes or more.Sissy Nipplegasm Phone Sex Thats not 100% free . Must live in USA or Canada to enjoy this Special.  Also must be able to receive a call back from a private or blocked number.

However it drops the cost of a 15 minute call down to $1.33 a minute. My normal rates are $2 a minute. So that is a significant savings. The New customer special is one per gentleman only. See below for 100% free phone sex deals.


Free Phone Sex Voting Contest.

#2 You can get Free Phone Sex by voting for me. Every single month I am going to award 10 minutes of free phone sex (totally free)  to whomever votes for me the most.

There will be 4  monthly Runners up who win a free 5 minutes each.  You vote for me by pushing that red and blue blinky psc button. Once you hit the button it takes you to phone sex central.

You can turn up to 3 vote codes for me a day (spaced 3+ hours apart). Must be done from a browser that is not Google chrome or Tor. (PSC blocks Tor and the Chrome votes don’t count for whatever reason. )

Mozilla and edge as well as linux browsers seem to be the best. Just turn in your vote codes to me daily via email at  All vote codes are checked daily.

Anyone Can Enjoy Free Phone Sex.

Please space the votes 3+ hours apart. The best way to do this is breakfast/lunch and dinner.  You can vote from anywhere and any device. As long as its not using a Chrome or Tor browser.

Please don’t use tools like VPNS,Guavi isp Rotators and proxies. If it doesn’t come from your authentic isp the vote might not count. Also If PSC feels you are using one of those tools to get in more votes (ie cheat) it may block you from voting.  I love a man with tech skills. But lets keep things above board. Getting banned from voting is never fun.

Free Phone Sex Through Twitter Promotion.

#3 Get Free Phone Sex by promoting me on Twitter at @JoannLivingstin . I am going to award 10 minutes of Free Phone Sex (totally free)Monthly to whomever promotes me on twitter the most.

Two such winners will be awarded monthly. Four  monthly runners up will receive a free 5 minutes of phone sex. Be sure to follow the steps below to participate….

To promote me on twitter  you must have an unlocked account. You must be 18+ years of age. You must be reside in USA or Canada. You must have a least 500 followers and be an active tweeter.

You must put  “@JoannLivingstin rocks” in your bio.  Then hit me up on Twitter Private message with your email/phone number. This way if your a winner I can contact you.

First follow me, Then Give me a shout out. This will let me know your in the game. Whenever you see me post a new blog be sure to retweet it. And just be my biggest fan. Giving me lots of shout outs. Recommending me to your followers are all ways to show me love. As well as participate in this contest.

Rules for  Free Phone Sex!

The rules for Rules for  Free Phone Sex are you must be 18+ years of age.  All those entering must live in the USA or Canada. Free phone sex is over the phone only. You must be able to get a call from a private or blocked number to receive your free phone sex.

Free Phone Sex minutes must be used in one session. All Free Phone Sex time awarded Must be used within 30 days of receival. Free Phone Sex cannot be exchanged for any other services or products.  Cheating will not be tolerated.

What Constitutes as Cheating to get Free Phone Sex?

Anyone caught lying about being a new customer.  Creating  and submitting Fake vote codes.  Voting two close together (must be done every 3 hours.). Or following me on twitter Then Unfollowing and retweeting then undoing that tweet or not setting the tweet to “everyone status.”

I want this to be fun for everyone. Lately I have been approached by Many Gentleman asking for free phone sex trials. My services do cost money (A girl gotta eat lol). However I am offering ways for you to earn and win free phone sex. In a way that is mutually beneficial to both of us.

Call me at : 1-877-631-3024

Email me at:

Follow me on twitter at: @JoannLivingstin

Buy our time & tip me online here…

Buy my hard core picture sets here…

Want more phone sex? Check out my friends here…